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This is *not* a sas/graph gplot bubble-chart! :)

Good-old sas/graph 'proc gplot' has a built-in bubble chart, but it
does not let you have bubbles that look like pies.  I used annotate
on a gplot to create these pie-bubbles.

First I do a gplot, using a symbol statement to make the markers
not show up (ie, 'none'), and then I annotate my 'pies' on the
empty gplot grid.  I use the x & y variables to control the 
position, and I multiply a % variable x 360-degrees to see 
now big to make the pie slice (25% = 90-degrees) - the size 
of the black pie slice represents the market share.

I also use the annotate's 'html' variable to hold my html
title= charttip/flyover-text info that will show up in a multi-line
charttip when you hover your mouse over the pie (if you're using
the Internet Explorer web browser.

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