Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


Note that this example is included in the book SAS/Graph: Beyond the Basics,
and all the 'tricks' used to create it are described in great detail!


In this example, I used sas/graph to create a 100% accurate imitation
of my power bill from "Progress Energy".

I used sas/graph gchart vbar to do the bar chart.
I used the 'x1' and 'x2' patterns to draw the desired hatch-mark
patterns on the bars.

I hard-coded the horizontal axis tickmarks, using the 'value='
option in the axis statement, to get the month names to show up only
on alternating months.

I used multiple left-justified title statements to get my address
in the top/left corner of the page.  I used a centered 'title6' 
statement and bold font to do the 'kWh Usage History' title.

I annotated the 'Progress Energy' logo in the top/left corner.

And, I also added html title= charttip/flyover-text using gchart's
html= option, so that when you mouse over the bars (using the 
Internet Explorer web browser) you'll see info about each bar.

Power companies could easily set up online reports like this,
using sas/intrnet to dynamically generate the graph when the 
customer logs in with their id & customer number.  It could even
be set up to allow users to compare 2 years together, or generate
charts showing any selected timespan :)

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