Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


I was disappointed that good-old sas/graph didn't have a
proc to do a "speedometer" (aka, "Critical Success Factor" (CSF)
plot, aka "Rangeview" plot), therefore I wrote this very crude
and simple one using 'proc ganno'.

This is very crude, but *very* flexible!

For example, I used it in the following dashboard (click here).

A lot of CSF gauges only go from 0-100, and force you to use their
pre-defined segment binning and colors -- but this macro version 
gives you total/easy control of all those things!

You can control the sizes & colors of the segments (and even how
many segments) by the dataset you pass in to the macro.  And,
of course, you can control the position and color of the 'arrow'
as well.

Basically, just put your values & colors in a data set like this...

data my_data;
length grtype color $ 8;
input grtype color value;
segment cxff0000 55
segment cx0000ff 50
segment vpapb    50
arrow   purple   120

And then call the macro, passing in the data set as a parameter...


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