Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.

In this example, I use the nlnum7.0 format which, in combination with
the "options locale=spanish_bolivia" causes the numbers to be printed
with a '.' in the thousands-place, rather than a comma.
Unfortunately, since this is a sas format-thing, I can't take advantage
of that format in the html title= charttips directly (I guess I could 
use a 'put' statement to apply the format and stuff the text-version
in the charttip if I really wanted ;)  But if someone in Bolivia 
were viewing the graph, they would probably have their pc's locale
and font set, so that the charttip numbers would show up the way
they wanted them, so they would see it the charttips with the '.'

I use keyboard input to put the special character in "Importación"
in the title.

I use "goptions iback" to specify the image of the Bolivian flag
in the background, and I use cframe=tan in the gplot and also in
the legend statement, to color-coordinate them.

To get the axis tickmark values to be at an angle, I use the 
value=(a=60) in the axis statement.

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