Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


The drilldown in this example is done in the traditional SAS/Graph way ...

First, a character variable is created, containing the html tags for
the drilldown (href=) and the text charttip/rollover-text (title=) 
as follows ...

   length htmlvar $500;
     'State: '|| trim(left(st)) ||'0D'x||
     'Population: '|| trim(left(put(population,comma12.0))))||
    ' href="http://www.state.'||trim(left(lowcase(st)))||'.us"';

Then that variable is specified using the "html_legend=" option in the
SAS/Graph "proc gchart" as follows (this is very similar to using the
html= option, but this puts the drilldowns on color/pattern squares
in the legend, rather than on the bars themselves)...

   proc gchart data=mydata;
   hbar st / type=sum sumvar=population ascending nostats
    maxis=axis1 raxis=axis2
    autoref cref=gray clipref
    coutline=black legend=legend1
    html_legend=htmlvar            <--------  here!
    des='' name="&name";

And the output is created using ODS HTML, and "goptions device=png",
so that a png file is created containing the png, and an html file 
is created containing the html charttips & drilldowns.  The user will
view the html file, and it will display the png image.

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