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This is one version of the famous (or infamous) Hockey Stick Graph,
which shows several temperature estimates (proxies) for the last 
1000 years.  It is nicknamed a hockey stick graph because the 
numbers towards the end seem to turn upward sharply, resembling
a hockey stick.

Here are some links where I got this data:

Links to Graph & Data
So-Called Hockey Stick.

And, here are some webpages that claims to debunk the hockey-stick graph:

Hockey-Stick plot used modified data
New Low in Climate Science
Hockey Stick, RIP


There are several nice SAS & SAS/Graph features demonstrated in this graph...

o The data are read directly from a webpage, via "filename url".

o Multiple data series are combined with proc sql.

o Multiple lines are overlaid.

o The order of the items in the legend is controlled via the order
  the variables are specified in the plot statement.

o The legend value= is used to allow >32 character legend values
  (which would otherwise be truncated at 32-characters).

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