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In this custom gchart vbar, I use annotate to draw 'mean' and 'goal' (ie, target) markers,
and also to place the 2nd set of text labels under the bars, and also to create the legend.

Note that I use the split='\' in the maxis, to split the text at the '\' character
onto a 2nd line, and I also (programmatically) mimic this behavior in the annotated
bar midpoint text in the 2nd set of labels.

I use a user-defined format, generated on-the-fly, to get the bars in the desired order
(ordered based on the number in the 2nd/annotated set of text, rather than the default
alphabetic-by-midpoints order, or ascending/descending by bar height).

Oh, and I also annotate divider lines between the bars - I do this programmatically,
based on the number of bars, so this code should still work if the number of bars

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