I used this one to determine coordinates for each star, and build the master map:
Click here to see the SAS code (crabtree_build.sas). 
Click here to see the example (crabtree_build.htm).

This one shows all stores in a given category, with charttip & drilldown on the stars:
Click here to see the SAS code (crabtree_categories.sas). 
Click here to see the example (crabtree_categories.htm).

This one shows each individual store, in a separate (gif & htm) file:
Click here to see the SAS code (crabtree_stores.sas). 
Click here to see the output (crabtree_stores.htm). 

Viewed the following pdf at 60% size:
Screen-captured, and used MS Paint to move lower-level to the left.
Then used MS Office Picture Manager to Picture->Crop.
Looked at this jpg in IE, and right-clicked Properties -> dimensions are
875 x 752 pixels.
See xsize & ysize macro variables.

I then create a sas/graph map dataset containing 1 single map area,
with corners at the same x/y coordinates as the gif map/image
so that my map area/coordinates have the same proportions as the
Cary Towne Center map/image.

I can now annotate the red stars on the map/image.
If I use the map/data coordinate system (xsys=2/ysys=2) then I
am assured that once I determine the x/y coordinates of each store,
those coordinates will always line up on the same location when I
annotate the stars. 

To determine the x/y coordinates, I clicked on the jpg image in Paint
and got the x/y coordinate (then in my sas code I "flip" the y-coordinate)
to match the sas/graph coordinate system.

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