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I use maps.namerica & maps.samerica, and subset it based on density
so the map borders aren't so detailed/crowded.

I use gproject to both project the lat/long coordinates, and also
to "clip" the top & bottom.

The inset map is maps.peru, and I inset it with "proc greplay".
The inset map has more tricks than the big map - I annotate a 
"shadow" behind it, and also annotate a white box (because greplay
doesn't handle different cback colors well), and I annotate some dot
markets with drilldown to Google satellite maps of the area.

I put an image at the top of the page useing 'prehtml' in the 
graph style, and I put a table with hyperlinks below the map
by stuffing some special html codes into the data before I 
"proc print" the table.

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