Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


In this example, I take a list of a singer's performances, 
and plot it both geographically (on a map) *and* chronologically
(on a calendar chart).  That's a pretty neat way to graphically 
show the data.

Also, this is the *first* time I've written SAS code to programmatically
loop through the data in such a way that if there's more than 1 obsn per
item (on the map that's location, in the calendar that's day), then
I append that to the rollover-text charttip!  Be sure to use the
Internet Explorer or Google Chrome browser to view the results, 
because they hande multi-line charttips better than Firefox!

The Map:

I use the new v9.2 "proc geocode" to find the lat/long of each
city Dex has performed in, and annotate dots on those city 
locations.  I connect the dots chronologically, which (kinda)
shows the order in which he went to the cities.  It's not 
an "absolute" thing, but I thought it was interesting :)

The Calendar:

The calendar chart is turned on its side, and days progress
form the top/left to the bottom/right (look at the year & month
labels along the side).  Days where Dex had a performance are 
shaded blue (if there were multiple performances on a given day,
then it's darker blue).  Hover your mouse over the days to see
the date & name of the venue.

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