Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


Added a blank footnote below the gmap, to give more space for the gslide note below it:

   footnote1 height=10pct " ";

Added html charttips to the states in the map:

data turnover; set turnover;
length myhtml $ 100;
myhtml='title='||quote(trim(left(fipnamel(state)))||': '||trim(left(years)));


Rather than using the 'noaxis' gchart option, I had to specifically specify the 
options in the axis statement to get rid of the axis stuff, to free up the space,
so that I could then use the 'origin' axis location that's close to the bottom/left
of the screen...

axis1 origin=(5,8) style=0 length=45 label=none value=none;
axis2 length=80 order=(0 to 27) style=0 label=none value=none minor=none major=none;

Added the 'noframe' option.

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