Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


Note that this example is included in the book SAS/Graph: Beyond the Basics,
and all the 'tricks' used to create it are described in great detail!


I got all the mpg data (2012-1984) from:

I save the csv data as an xls file, and then I import it into a sas
dataset using SAS/Access to PC Files.

I use "ods htmlpanel" to tile multiple graphs side-by-side on the
same web page.

For each dot in the plot, I list all the vehicles represented by that
dot in the html charttip, and it has a drilldown to the anchor 
for the table of that kind of vehicles (such as 'compact_cars').

I use table's html= option to encode an html href= drilldown for
each plot marker, to launch a google search for that vehicle,
so you can easily find pictures and more info about the cars.

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