This Treemap was created using SAS/Graph proc gmap, and
a custom map data set created using some macros I wrote.
Click here to see details on how the macros work.

Click here to see the SAS code that calls the macros (
Click here to see other SAS code for drilldowns (
Click here to see other SAS code for drilldowns (cary_include)

Click here to see the example.

This is another multi-level Treemap.
The first level is the Department, and the 2nd level shows the  job titles 
within that department (with further drilldown to detailed tables).

The size of boxes represent total hourly wage for that group, and the 
color of the boxes represents the average hourly wage for that group.

One difference in this map from most others, is that this one allows
you to *drilldown*!  I used the html title= charttip/flyover-text,
and also coded in html href= drilldowns.  The drilldown has the 
urls of Treemap I have pre-created (one per Department).

Once you drilldown to the 2nd level of treemaps, then the 
drilldown from here is to a table of detailed data for that job_title
(I use a drilldown to an html anchor on the same page for these tables).

The drilldowns would have been much easier to do though sas/intrnet, 
where I could generate each drilldown Treemap on-the-fly when
the user clicks ... but in order to make this demo easy to 
carry to other systems, I did not want to require everyone to 
install sas/intrnet, and have the server running ... therefore
I pre-created all the drilldown maps and saved them on the disk).


Here are links to the website where I got this public-domain data:
Other County Data">City of Cary Hourly Wage Data
Other County Data">Wake County Hourly Wage Data
Other County Data


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