Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


In this case, I create the red area by adding a variable to my
dataset that has a value of 1.0 across all the years,
and then I create a red area for the area under that line 
(in addition to the blue-ish area under the exchange rate line).

data my_data; set my_data;

pattern1 v=s c=cx107c8f;
pattern2 v=s c=red;

proc gplot data=my_data;
format date year4.;
  exchange_rate*date=1 /* green-ish area */
  baseline*date=1      /* red area */
  exchange_rate*date=1 /* white line along edge of greenish area */
  baseline*date=1      /* white line at exchange_rate=1.0 */
  / overlay
 vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 cframe=cx17222a areas=2
 autovref autohref cvref=graydd chref=graydd lvref=33 lhref=33 frontref
 des='' name="&name";

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