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In this example, I get the first people complaining of flu symptom 
(ie, that have the keywords in their blogs) May 18 1:10am - 1:30am,
and then I get all their blogs prior to that time, and I plot them 
on a map (connecting the points with lines/arrows, so you can see
the order of the blogs).

The first map shows all 15 of these bloggers overlaid - I was hoping
that they would have all "converged" on one certain spot, but was
wasn't that easy/obvious.

I then did maps of each of the 15 bloggers individually, and set it up
so you can click on a point along the path, and it will take you to 
that blogger's individual map.  You can hover your mouse over the points
along the line, and see the date & text of that blog.

And last, I create some tables, showing the text of all the blogs
for each of these 15 bloggers.  This provides an easy way to browse
all their messages, and also I added a link so you can easily bring up
their map (from the table).

In general, it looks like most/all of these 15 people went "downtown" 
sometime prior to complaining of the epidemic symptoms.

[Note: in reading the text, most (but not all) of the epidemic keywords
were in the context of epidemic/disease.]

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