Robert Allison - SAS

VAST 2011 Challenge

Mini-Challenge 3 - Investigation into Terrorist Activity

Authors and Affiliations:

Robert Allison, SAS Institute Inc,


SAS Software


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MC 3.1

Potential Threats: Identify any imminent terrorist threats in the Vastopolis metropolitan area. Provide detailed information on the threat or threats (e.g. who, what, where, when, and how) so that officials can conduct counterintelligence activities. Also, provide a list of the evidential documents supporting your answer.

There were about 4,474 total articles (one txt file per article). I wrote a SAS job to get a directory listing, and loop through it and read each file into a SAS data set, with date, title, and article. I created a subset of just the articles that mention 'Vastopolis' (case-insensitive, of course), and this narrowed it down to 419 Vastopolis articles.

The following needle/bar plot shows these 419 articles - each bar represents a day, and the height of the bars shows the number of Vastopolis articles published on that day.

I perused the 419 Vastopolis articles, and several jumped out at me as potential threats, and I then came up with a list of keywords for various categories of threats. The plot below represents the 58 potential threat articles that matched those keywords. There are a few "false positives" but in general these are all articles about potential threats:

In the live/interactive version of the plot (but not the screen-capture above), you can hover your mouse over the bar segments and see the title of the article, and click the bar segments to see the full-text. This interactive capability allowed me to quickly analyze these potential threat articles.

These articles are possibly all related - it appears a terror group stole some military weapons, and is using them. There is also other gang activity in the area (possibly related?)

Articles about Bioterrorism, health risks, and possible contamination of the food supply:

The Edward Patino saga (he could be a 'powder keg' waiting to explode).

Articles about hackers & computers:

Sounds like some inmates escaped from the mental hospital, and are trying to cause a little mayhem: