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In this example, I subset the MWSUG states out of the pre-projected
I take the pre-projected center positions out of maps.uscenter, and create
an annotate data set with the state abbreviations in the center of each state.
I take the largest cities from these states in the pre-projected maps.uscity
data set, and create annotate data set with dots at the location of each city.

I use gmap's 'html=' option to add an html title= charttip/flyover-text 
to each state, and href= drilldown to the state home page.

I use annotate's 'html' variable to add html title= charttip/flyover-text
to each dot, showing the city and state names.

I annotate the letters 'MWSUG' along the left-hand side, and add a link
to the MWSUG home page, using the annotate 'html' variable and the html
href tag.

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