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I use the world map, and gproject using the long/lat to "clip"
the region out that contains Indonesia.
I annotate long/lat gridlines onto the map, and a circle around
Flores Island (where the fossils of the new/miniature species of
humans were found).
I use 'iback' to specify a background image (the image is a
ghostly green image of a tropical swamp/forest climate found
in the area where the fossils were found). I also make the
background of the page a shade of green that matches the image.
All of the greens blend in well with the official website for
this discovery.
I use gmap's html= option to code in html title= charttips/flyover-text,
and I get the names for the countries via the 'mapfmts' format.
I use 'nogfootnote' so that the footnote is outside of the graphics area,
and I use multiple links and colors in the footnote.
Here is a good online paper about the Flores discovery:
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