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I suppose there are many ways to do custom graphs like this
in sas/graph, but I chose to try to use the most basic gplot
capabilities, and do all the 'tricky' part by normalizing
and rescaling my data.

I use several tricks on the axes, specifying the tickmark
text for particular values (and making some of them have 
blank text).  I make the tickmark length on the y-axis have 
negative values, so the ticks point in towards the graph.
The x-axis is ordered so the smallest value is to the right,
and the values increase as you move to the left.  And, the
black bars aren't really bars but rather gplot 'needle' 

The y-axis label is rotated 90 degrees in the axis statement,
and I have annotated the 'DATE: 3000±30BP' instead of using
a title.

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