Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.
Here's how I got the elevation data ...
Your Grid Id: bobsas2
Grid Database: ETOPO2 - 2-minute global relief
x - Windows
Lat/Lon (left defaults - lat(up/down) = 16N-11S, lon (across)=85E -> 115E
Cell size - 4-minute (** 2-minute produced too many points for gproject! **)
Cell params - (4-byte floating point, tenths of meters precision)
Format: XYZ (lon,dat,depth), No Header, Space delimited, omit empty grid cells
Clicked 'Design-A-Grid' button.
Clicked 'Next-->' button
Clicked 'Compress and Retrieve' button
Clicked 'Retrieve' button
Clicked 'save'
Saved to my U:
Then, after saving it, I unzipped it, which created a directory structure...
There's a lot of 'junk', but the file I wanted was ...
(I renamed that to in the current directory)
For each of the elevation long/lat coordinates, I created an
annotate dot (pie), with the elevation determining what the
color/shade should be.
I combined the annotate data sets with the map,
and 'gproject'd them, clipping along the boundaries for
the area of interest.
I then separated the map from the annotate, and then used
gmap to draw the map outline (using an 'empty' fill pattern),
and then annotating the elevation color behind the map.
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