Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.

(If you don't have the 'maps.usaac' data set, I have placed 
a copy in this folder.)


Note that it might be easier to download a dma shapefile, 
and use Proc Mapimport, as demonstrated in 


This is just a proof-of-concept, using a snapshot of the DMA data from sometime
in the past...


Since we don't ship a dma (demographic marketing area) map in the sas maps libname,
I decided to 'derive' one from other maps/files...

First I Get a list of all the DMA's and their county & state, from maps.usaac.

Then I merge it with mapsgfk.us_counties US county map.

Then I remove the internal boundaries within the dma groupings (using 'proc gremove'),
using the county outlines.

Then I add charttips so you can see the dma number when you mouse over the land areas.
(And I merge in the city names for the dma's, from a spreadsheet - some non-SAS data)

Note that I'm running this at v9.2, so that I get the long color-list 
from the new ODS Styles.

Note also that this demo depends on maps.usaac, which ships with the SAS/GIS product.

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