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Blue Events:
The blue days represent days Robert was in Albemarle.
(Robert lived in Cary, NC, and visited the car lot 
in Albemarle, mostly on weekends.)

Pink Events:
The pink days represent days Robert's credit card was used 
(mostly at stores in Albemarle, but sometimes online, etc)
based on credit card statements from Feb 2002 - Jan 2003.

Purple Events:
The purple days show where a blue event and pink event
both occurred on the same day (ie, when Robert was in
Albemarle on the same day this credit card was used).

If Robert were really the one using this credit card, then 
all of the pink days should be purple ... however, NONE of
the pink days are purple, which strongly implies someone
else was using the card (not Robert).  This also implies 
that Rodney (who lived in the area and ran the car lot in
Albemarle) was indeed the one using this card.

The card was mostly used on weekdays, in Albemarle - Robert
was working fulltime at SAS in Cary on weekdays (his vacation
history could show that he was indeed working at SAS in Cary
on those weekdays when the card was used in Albemarle.

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