Click here to see the SAS code. Click here to see the example. --------------------------------------------------------------- This is a SAS/Graph re-creation of the charts in the following article. Note that I'm only using *estimated* values, obtained by reading the original graph. I used "greplay" to put the 3 charts all on 1 page. I changed the y-axis on the 3rd chart to start at zero, rather than 20. I added html charttips to the bars. Here is some info from the article... ----- Mixed contaminants in large river systems The Clinch River study In a remediation investigation study conducted under the auspices of Superfund, biological indicators were used to assess the effects hat multiple contaminants such as heavy metals and PCBs had on the health of bluegill and largemouth bass in the Clinch River/Watts Bar Reservoir ecosystem in Tennessee. ----- Back to Samples Index