Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


I downloaded this border crossing data from this website:
And then imported the spreadsheet into sas.

I have not verified these numbers, and this map should only be
considered a proof-of-concept, until the numbers are verified
and sanity-checked.

I sum up all the border crossing across the different categories,
and also summing all the 12 months so it's an annual total:
 total=sum(passenge, bus_pass, pedestri, train_pa);

Then at each border crossing location I draw a line, which 
represents the number of crossings at that border, for the year.
You'll notice that certain locations have *many* more crossings
than others (most of the locations along the Canadian border
have almost no crossings, compared to the Mexican border).

The way I draw these line/micro-bar markers is by annotating
a red/solid pie dot (this gives a place to put the html 
mouse-over charttip text), and then I use the annotate 'draw'
function to draw a line from the center of the pie, upwards
(the length of the line is based on the 'total' crossings
for that location, compared to the location with the maximum
number of crossings, which I had saved in a macro variable
called &max).

In addition to the html charttip text, I also add a drilldown
to the dot, so you can click on it and see the google map 
of that area.

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