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SAS/Graph imitation of graph found on this pate.

Let me first say that this is a "bad graph"...
The response axis doesn't start at zero,
and the most eye-capturing feature of the graph (ie, the bullseye)
is just decoration.

But, aside from that, I thought this would be a fun/interesting
graph to try to do in sas/graph.

One challenge was the bar labels for the last 2 bars (the forecasts).
They needed to be gray, and split into 2 lines.  I made all the bar
labels text, and for those 2 values I included the 'Est.' in the text,
and also included a '\' character ... then in the axis statement I
used split='\' so that the text for those bar midpoint values would 
be split into 2 lines.

Another challenge was the bullseye - I used annotated 'pie's to 
do that.

I decided to not change/fix the problems with this graph,
but I did make 1 small improvement - I put the reference lines
in front of the bullseye, so it's easier to visually 'see'
the heights of the bars.

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