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This map is based on data from The Pragmatic Marketer magazine.
Lots of tricks & features at work in this example...
This example uses the new v9.2 'cdefault' option to make the
states with no data light yellow (cdefault=cornsilk).
Also, the new v9.2 style-based gradient shading is used.
And by-group-processing is used (by category), in combination
with the 'uniform' option, so that both maps are plotted to
the same color & range legend (so they can be easily compared).
Since legends don't support the #byvar text, I use a 'note'
for (what looks like) the legend label, so I can use the name
of the 'by category' ('COLA Average' and 'Average') in that text.
I customize the position of the legend, using the 'offset' option.
The footnote has an html link.
The states have html charttips & drilldown.
I annotate the state labels, and I annotate a black 'shadow'
behind the map.
Note: 'COLA' stands for 'Cost Of Living Adjusted'
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