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Click here to see the example.


This bar chart is a SAS/Graph mitation of ...

from the following IMF report (page 8):

(Note: I didn't have the real data, so the values in this chart
are just my estimates of the values - they're pretty close, but
not exact values.)

You'll notice that I use several "tricks" in the axes.

On the Y-axis, I use the axis statement to suppress the axis line (style=0)
and suppress the 0 tickmark value (t=1 " "), and put a $ on the 45 
(t=10 "$45").

On the X-axis (midpoints) I suppress the bar values altogether
(value=none), and then I annotate the year below the month=7 bars.
I also annotate a tickmark and reference line just to the right of
the month=12 bars (the exact placement took a bit of trial-and-error,
and % value you move to the right of the bar is very dependent on the
number of bars in the chart).

This sas/graph chart looks better & more "crisp" than the original, imho 
... but of course I couldn't help but try to add a few subtle enhancements 
-- for example, I added very light gray reflines, and I added html 
mouse-over charttips so you can see the values of the bars & bar segments.

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