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You might think this map looks a lot like the maps in Mark Monier's
books on mapping -- you would be correct!
He uses a similar map in several of his examples. I liked the map
so much, I designed a sas/graph map dataset (by painstakingly
drawing a similar map on grid paper, and then entering the
x/y coordinates of each point along the edge into a sas/grap
map data set) that could be used to create a similar map.
In essence, this map can be used just like, but it just
looks a little different (simpler, and more "arts-y"). One of the
big advantages of this map is that it has *way* fewer x/y coordinates,
and therefore it runs faster. Also, when you do html charttips and
hotspots, the html "map" is smaller (since it has simpler geometry
to describe), and therefore the html downloads faster and saves
Another advantage - since this map has fewer than 1000 observations,
it could be used in the SAS Learning Edition (which has a 1000-obsn limit).
Here is a picture of Monier's map.
And an explanation about 1/2-way down this page.
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