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This is a periodic table, very much like the one on Wikipedia:

I created it using SAS/Graph "proc gmap" and annotate.
There is one map 'area' for each element - I define a row & column 
in my input data for each element, and then create a map area for
each element by calculating 4 x/y corners for each one.

Rather than letting gmap fill the areas with the color, I annotate
the color behind the empty map areas, and also use annotate to 
draw the borders around them (various colors, and solid/dash/dot line
represent various things about the elements).  Using annotate gave
me total (and direct) control over all of these things.

I also added html hover-text and drilldown, and the hover text will
also work with iPad and iPhone VoiceOver (making it accessible for
the blind).

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