Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


This is just a proof-of-concept, showing how SAS might be used to help 
visualize test results, in a more computerized/interactive way ...

For each answer-bubble, I create a gmap 'map' area (comprised of 4
x/y coordinates).  These map areas are colored white or pink, based
on whether the question number is odd or even.  These white and pink
boxes are drawn without a border (coutline=same), and therefore when 
they run together, they appear to be a continuous pink or white area
behind all the bubbles for a given question.

I calculate the centroid of the map area, and use the annotate 'pie'
function to draw a circle around the letter (like an "opscan sheet").

I added html hover-text, so you can see the question & answers when 
you hover your mouse over the bubbles.

I use proc sql to calculate how many questions were right/wrong, and
print that macro variable in the title.

(Be sure to scroll down and see the test results for all the students!)

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