date = 2011 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 86.134  date = 1997 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 91.026  date = 1997 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 91.026  date = 1996 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 102.87  date = 1990 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 105  date = 1990 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 105  date = 1988 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 106.27  date = 1988 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 106.27  date = 1986 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 106.89  date = 1986 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 106.89  date = 1984 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 106.92  date = 1984 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 106.92  date = 1982 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 106.09  date = 1982 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 106.09  date = 1980 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 104.97  date = 1978 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 103.48  date = 1976 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 101.35  date = 1974 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 99.598  date = 1974 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 99.598  date = 1972 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 99.166  date = 1972 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 99.166  date = 1970 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 100.03  date = 1970 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 100.03  date = 1968 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 101.44  date = 1968 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 101.44  date = 1966 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 103.4  date = 1966 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 103.4  date = 1964 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 106.18  date = 1962 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 114.62  date = 1958 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 116.26  date = 1956 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 116.26  date = 1954 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 117.28  date = 1954 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 117.28  date = 1952 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 117.54  date = 1952 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 117.54  date = 1950 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 116.47  date = 1950 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 116.47  date = 1949 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 114.01  date = 1949 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 110.86  date = 1945 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 106.86  date = 1945 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 106.86  date = 1943 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 102.55  date = 1943 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 102.55  date = 1941 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 98.126  date = 1939 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 94.146  date = 1939 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 94.146  date = 1937 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 90.192  date = 1937 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 90.192  date = 1935 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 86.264  date = 1935 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 86.264  date = 1933 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 82.733  date = 1933 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 82.733  date = 1931 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 79.599  date = 1931 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 79.599  date = 1929 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 77.041  date = 1929 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 77.041  date = 1927 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 74.758  date = 1927 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 74.758  date = 1925 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 72.56  date = 1925 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 72.56  date = 1923 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 70.445  date = 1921 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 68.742  date = 1921 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 68.742  date = 1919 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 67.272  date = 1919 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 67.272  date = 1917 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 66.234  date = 1917 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 66.234  date = 1915 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 64.854  date = 1913 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 63.222  date = 1913 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 63.222  date = 1911 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 60.865  date = 1911 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 60.865  date = 1909 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 58.973  date = 1909 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 58.973  date = 1907 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 57.613  date = 1907 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 57.613  date = 1905 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 57.34  date = 1905 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 57.34  date = 1903 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 57.395  date = 1903 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 57.395  date = 1902 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 57.798  date = 1902 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 57.798  date = 1900 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 58.654  date = 1900 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 58.654  date = 1898 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 59.588  date = 1898 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 59.588  date = 1896 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 60.388  date = 1896 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 60.388  date = 1894 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 60.92  date = 1894 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 60.92  date = 1892 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 61.332  date = 1892 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 61.332  date = 1890 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 61.796  date = 1890 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 61.796  date = 1888 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 62.35  date = 1888 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 62.35  date = 1886 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 62.985  date = 1886 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 62.985  date = 1884 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 64.635  date = 1884 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 64.635  date = 1882 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 66.727  date = 1882 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 66.727  date = 1880 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 69.415  date = 1880 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 69.415  date = 1878 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 72.892  date = 1878 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 76.699  date = 1874 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 81  date = 1874 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 81  date = 1872 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 84.879  date = 1872 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 84.879  date = 1870 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 88.493  date = 1870 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 88.493  date = 1868 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 91.519  date = 1868 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 91.519  date = 1866 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 93.802  date = 1866 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 93.802  date = 1864 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 95.557  date = 1864 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 95.557  date = 1862 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 96.444  date = 1862 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 96.444  date = 1860 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 97.124  date = 1860 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 97.124  date = 1858 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 97.588  date = 1858 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 97.588  date = 1856 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 97.621  date = 1856 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 97.621  date = 1855 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 97.768  date = 1855 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 97.768  date = 1853 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 98.216  date = 1853 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 98.216  date = 1851 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 99.189  date = 1851 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 99.189  date = 1849 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 100.32  date = 1849 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 100.32  date = 1847 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 101.44  date = 1847 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 101.44  date = 1845 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 102.55  date = 1845 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 102.55  date = 1843 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 103.46  date = 1843 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 103.46  date = 1841 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 102.46  date = 1841 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 102.46  date = 1839 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 99.991  date = 1839 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 99.991  date = 1837 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 96.119  date = 1837 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 96.119  date = 1835 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 91.056  date = 1835 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 91.056  date = 1833 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 85.493  date = 1833 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 85.493  date = 1831 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 79.232  date = 1831 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 79.232  date = 1829 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 72.703  date = 1829 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 72.703  date = 1827 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 66.004  date = 1827 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 66.004  date = 1825 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 58.97  date = 1825 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 58.97  date = 1823 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 51.923  date = 1823 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 51.923  date = 1821 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 45.212  date = 1821 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 45.212  date = 1819 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 40.439  date = 1819 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 40.439  date = 1817 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 37.127  date = 1817 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 37.127  date = 1815 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 34.901  date = 1815 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 34.901  date = 1813 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 34.323  date = 1813 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 34.323  date = 1811 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 34.265  date = 1811 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 34.265  date = 1809 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 34.797  date = 1809 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 36.004  date = 1806 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 38.135  date = 1806 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 38.135  date = 1804 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 41.764  date = 1804 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 41.764  date = 1802 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 48.259  date = 1802 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 48.259  date = 1800 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 55.845  date = 1800 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 55.845  date = 1798 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 64.337  date = 1798 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 64.337  date = 1796 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 72.697  date = 1796 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 72.697  date = 1794 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 80.938  date = 1794 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 80.938  date = 1792 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 88.699  date = 1792 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 88.699  date = 1790 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 95.615  date = 1790 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 95.615  date = 1788 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 101.78  date = 1788 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 101.78  date = 1786 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 107.44  date = 1786 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 107.44  date = 1784 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 111.74  date = 1784 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 111.74  date = 1782 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 114.22  date = 1782 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 114.22  date = 1780 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 113.02  date = 1780 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 113.02  date = 1778 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 110.98  date = 1778 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 110.98  date = 1776 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 108.42  date = 1776 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 108.42  date = 1774 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 105.17  date = 1774 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 105.17  date = 1772 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 101.62  date = 1772 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 101.62  date = 1770 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 97.736  date = 1768 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 93.955  date = 1768 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 93.955  date = 1766 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 90.223  date = 1766 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 90.223  date = 1764 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 85.728  date = 1764 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 85.728  date = 1762 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 81.885  date = 1762 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 81.885  date = 1761 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 78.723  date = 1761 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 78.723  date = 1759 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 76.967  date = 1759 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 76.967  date = 1757 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 75.107  date = 1757 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 75.107  date = 1755 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 72.793  date = 1755 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 72.793  date = 1753 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 70.226  date = 1753 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 70.226  date = 1751 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 67.598  date = 1751 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 67.598  date = 1749 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 65.027  date = 1749 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 65.027  date = 1747 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 61.603  date = 1747 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 61.603  date = 1745 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 57.651  date = 1745 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 57.651  date = 1743 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 52.73  date = 1741 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 47.691  date = 1739 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 42.537  date = 1737 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 32.808  date = 1733 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 27.547  date = 1729 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 10.448  date = 1714 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 6.6348  date = 1710 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 5.2003  date = 1710 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 3.924  date = 1708 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 2.8834  date = 1704 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 1.5454  date = 1700 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 1.2368  date = 1700 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 1.2368  date = 1698 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.9937  date = 1696 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.7889  date = 1696 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.7889  date = 1694 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.6  date = 1694 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.6  date = 1692 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.4414  date = 1690 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.3144  date = 1690 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.3144  date = 1688 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2757  date = 1688 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2757  date = 1686 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2619  date = 1686 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2619  date = 1684 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2822  date = 1684 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2822  date = 1682 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.3017  date = 1680 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.3161  date = 1680 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.3161  date = 1678 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.3145  date = 1678 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.3145  date = 1676 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.3079  date = 1676 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.3079  date = 1674 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2991  date = 1674 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2991  date = 1672 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2901  date = 1672 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2901  date = 1670 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2854  date = 1670 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2854  date = 1668 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2841  date = 1668 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2841  date = 1667 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2969  date = 1667 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.2969  date = 1665 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.31  date = 1663 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.323  date = 1663 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.323  date = 1661 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.3763  date = 1661 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.3763  date = 1659 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.5006  date = 1659 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.5006  date = 1657 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.7789  date = 1657 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 0.7789  date = 1655 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 1.5855  date = 1653 
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 sunspot_mov_avg = 2.7636  date = 1651 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 4.6592  date = 1651 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 4.6592  date = 1649 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 6.7465  date = 1649 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 6.7465  date = 1647 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 8.9512  date = 1647 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 8.9512  date = 1645 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 11.113  date = 1645 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 11.113  date = 1643 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 13.213  date = 1643 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 13.213  date = 1641 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 15.241  date = 1641 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 15.241  date = 1639 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 17.238  date = 1639 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 17.238  date = 1637 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 19.102  date = 1637 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 19.102  date = 1635 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 20.731  date = 1635 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 20.731  date = 1633 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 21.23  date = 1633 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 21.23  date = 1631 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 21.293  date = 1631 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 21.293  date = 1629 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 20.877  date = 1629 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 20.877  date = 1627 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 21.371  date = 1627 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 21.371  date = 1625 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 22.301  date = 1625 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 22.301  date = 1623 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 23.285  date = 1623 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 23.285  date = 1621 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 24.481  date = 1621 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 24.481  date = 1620 
 sunspot_mov_avg = 25.864  date = 1748 
 Sunspots per Month = 61  date = 1746 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1743 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1743 
 Sunspots per Month = 9  date = 1743 
 Sunspots per Month = 13  date = 1743 
 Sunspots per Month = 11  date = 1742 
 Sunspots per Month = 2  date = 1742 
 Sunspots per Month = 19  date = 1742 
 Sunspots per Month = 23.5  date = 1742 
 Sunspots per Month = 23.5  date = 1742 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1742 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1742 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1741 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.4  date = 1741 
 Sunspots per Month = 106  date = 1740 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1740 
 Sunspots per Month = 10  date = 1740 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.5  date = 1740 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.1  date = 1740 
 Sunspots per Month = 12  date = 1740 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1740 
 Sunspots per Month = 12  date = 1740 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.8  date = 1739 
 Sunspots per Month = 5  date = 1739 
 Sunspots per Month = 60  date = 1739 
 Sunspots per Month = 121  date = 1739 
 Sunspots per Month = 30  date = 1739 
 Sunspots per Month = 49.5  date = 1739 
 Sunspots per Month = 41  date = 1739 
 Sunspots per Month = 30  date = 1739 
 Sunspots per Month = 106  date = 1739 
 Sunspots per Month = 30  date = 1738 
 Sunspots per Month = 17  date = 1737 
 Sunspots per Month = 24  date = 1737 
 Sunspots per Month = 24  date = 1736 
 Sunspots per Month = 52  date = 1736 
 Sunspots per Month = 57  date = 1736 
 Sunspots per Month = 11  date = 1736 
 Sunspots per Month = 38  date = 1736 
 Sunspots per Month = 45  date = 1736 
 Sunspots per Month = 38  date = 1736 
 Sunspots per Month = 54.6  date = 1736 
 Sunspots per Month = 52  date = 1736 
 Sunspots per Month = 70  date = 1736 
 Sunspots per Month = 68.7  date = 1735 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1735 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.5  date = 1735 
 Sunspots per Month = 20.2  date = 1735 
 Sunspots per Month = 21.6  date = 1735 
 Sunspots per Month = 24.3  date = 1735 
 Sunspots per Month = 21  date = 1734 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1733 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1732 
 Sunspots per Month = 36  date = 1732 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1731 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1730 
 Sunspots per Month = 5  date = 1730 
 Sunspots per Month = 60.5  date = 1730 
 Sunspots per Month = 85  date = 1730 
 Sunspots per Month = 113.4  date = 1730 
 Sunspots per Month = 86.6  date = 1730 
 Sunspots per Month = 67.7  date = 1729 
 Sunspots per Month = 5  date = 1729 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1729 
 Sunspots per Month = 11  date = 1729 
 Sunspots per Month = 66.9  date = 1729 
 Sunspots per Month = 22  date = 1728 
 Sunspots per Month = 101  date = 1728 
 Sunspots per Month = 27.5  date = 1728 
 Sunspots per Month = 51.3  date = 1728 
 Sunspots per Month = 42.5  date = 1728 
 Sunspots per Month = 76.5  date = 1728 
 Sunspots per Month = 86.7  date = 1727 
 Sunspots per Month = 42.6  date = 1727 
 Sunspots per Month = 38.7  date = 1727 
 Sunspots per Month = 37.5  date = 1727 
 Sunspots per Month = 27.2  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 53.7  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 44.1  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 44.5  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 42  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 22.7  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 27.1  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 34.8  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 31.3  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 30.6  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 44.9  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 23.7  date = 1726 
 Sunspots per Month = 34.9  date = 1725 
 Sunspots per Month = 16.4  date = 1725 
 Sunspots per Month = 22.1  date = 1725 
 Sunspots per Month = 12  date = 1725 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.5  date = 1725 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1725 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.9  date = 1725 
 Sunspots per Month = 18.9  date = 1725 
 Sunspots per Month = 17.5  date = 1725 
 Sunspots per Month = 12  date = 1725 
 Sunspots per Month = 12  date = 1724 
 Sunspots per Month = 9  date = 1724 
 Sunspots per Month = 26  date = 1724 
 Sunspots per Month = 11.7  date = 1723 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.9  date = 1723 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1722 
 Sunspots per Month = 12  date = 1722 
 Sunspots per Month = 12  date = 1722 
 Sunspots per Month = 12  date = 1722 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.7  date = 1722 
 Sunspots per Month = 11  date = 1722 
 Sunspots per Month = 22.6  date = 1722 
 Sunspots per Month = 11.1  date = 1722 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.5  date = 1722 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.4  date = 1722 
 Sunspots per Month = 14.2  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.4  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 4  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 5  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.5  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.1  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.7  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 23  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 45.1  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 30  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 24.6  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 75.7  date = 1721 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.2  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.9  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 15.4  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.3  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 14.9  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 23.4  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 36.4  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 46.3  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 41.4  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 20.2  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 28.2  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 18.7  date = 1720 
 Sunspots per Month = 16.9  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 20.6  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 44.8  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 37.6  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 31.6  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 45.1  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 46.6  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 64.5  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 28.8  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 26.1  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.4  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 19.8  date = 1719 
 Sunspots per Month = 35.2  date = 1718 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.8  date = 1718 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.3  date = 1718 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.7  date = 1718 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1718 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.8  date = 1718 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.7  date = 1718 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.4  date = 1718 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.1  date = 1718 
 Sunspots per Month = 18.4  date = 1718 
 Sunspots per Month = 19.7  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 18.4  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 27.2  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 17.2  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.5  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 16.6  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 11.1  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.2  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 25.6  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 29.6  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.8  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 21  date = 1717 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.7  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 14.7  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 15.9  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.5  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.1  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.4  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 19.3  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.9  date = 1716 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.6  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.6  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.4  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.1  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.9  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.3  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.3  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.6  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.9  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.6  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 1715 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.7  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 6  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.9  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.8  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1714 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.9  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1713 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1712 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1711 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.8  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1710 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.4  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.4  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.9  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.2  date = 1709 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.3  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.5  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.7  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.6  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.9  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 12  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.5  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1708 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.5  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.2  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 15.1  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.1  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.9  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 1  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.1  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 19  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.4  date = 1707 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.3  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.3  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.4  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.3  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.3  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.5  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.9  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.1  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.6  date = 1706 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.4  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.8  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.6  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.6  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.4  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.2  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.9  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.9  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.1  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.3  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.7  date = 1705 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.2  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.5  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.7  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.6  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.5  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.6  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.3  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.9  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.1  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.3  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 6  date = 1704 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.5  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.9  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.1  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 1  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.8  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.7  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.1  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1703 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.2  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.9  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1702 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.4  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1701 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.6  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.1  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.8  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1700 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1699 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1699 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1699 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1699 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1699 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1699 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1699 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1699 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1699 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1698 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1698 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1697 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1696 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1696 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1696 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1695 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1695 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1695 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1695 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1695 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.5  date = 1695 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1695 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1695 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1695 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1694 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1694 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1689 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1689 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1689 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1689 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.3  date = 1689 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1689 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 4  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.3  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1688 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1687 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1687 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 1687 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 1687 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1687 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1687 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1687 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1687 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1687 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.2  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1686 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1685 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1685 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1684 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1684 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1684 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1684 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.6  date = 1684 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.8  date = 1684 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.4  date = 1684 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.2  date = 1684 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1684 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1684 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1683 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1683 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1683 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1683 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 1681 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1681 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1681 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1681 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.3  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.8  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1680 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1679 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1678 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 1678 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.7  date = 1678 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1677 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.7  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.1  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 7  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.4  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.5  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.2  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1676 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1675 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1674 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1674 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1674 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1674 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.1  date = 1674 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1674 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1674 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1674 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1674 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1674 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1673 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1673 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1673 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1673 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1673 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1673 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1673 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1673 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1673 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1672 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1672 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.4  date = 1672 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1672 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1672 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1672 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1672 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1672 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1672 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1671 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1671 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1671 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1671 
 Sunspots per Month = 2  date = 1671 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.5  date = 1671 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1671 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1671 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1671 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1671 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1671 
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 Sunspots per Month = 5  date = 1661 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1661 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1661 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1661 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1661 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.3  date = 1661 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.7  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.8  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.6  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 5  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.7  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.9  date = 1660 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1659 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1659 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1659 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1657 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.9  date = 1657 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1657 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1657 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1656 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1656 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1656 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.7  date = 1656 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1655 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1655 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1655 
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 Sunspots per Month = 6.3  date = 1655 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1655 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1654 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1654 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1654 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1654 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.5  date = 1654 
 Sunspots per Month = 3  date = 1654 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1654 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1654 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1654 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1654 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.6  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.1  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.3  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.1  date = 1653 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1652 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1652 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1652 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1652 
 Sunspots per Month = 16.1  date = 1651 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1651 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1651 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0.5  date = 1645 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1645 
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 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1645 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1645 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1645 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.9  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.8  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.4  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.5  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 19.5  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.8  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 17.7  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 20.5  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.2  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 30.6  date = 1644 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.5  date = 1643 
 Sunspots per Month = 14.6  date = 1643 
 Sunspots per Month = 11  date = 1643 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.6  date = 1643 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.1  date = 1643 
 Sunspots per Month = 15.5  date = 1643 
 Sunspots per Month = 17  date = 1643 
 Sunspots per Month = 33.2  date = 1643 
 Sunspots per Month = 29  date = 1642 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.7  date = 1642 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.3  date = 1642 
 Sunspots per Month = 121  date = 1640 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 46  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 75.6  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 62.5  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 96.5  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 73.2  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 82.9  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 89.8  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 106.6  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 84.2  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 70.4  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 71.5  date = 1639 
 Sunspots per Month = 62.1  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 108.1  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 91.1  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 53.1  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 58.1  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 51.4  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 77.2  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 73.3  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 55.3  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 82.7  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 51.3  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 57.4  date = 1638 
 Sunspots per Month = 64.9  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.7  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1635 
 Sunspots per Month = 30  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.6  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 27  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.8  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1634 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1633 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1633 
 Sunspots per Month = 30  date = 1633 
 Sunspots per Month = 30  date = 1633 
 Sunspots per Month = 25.4  date = 1633 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1633 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1633 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1632 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1631 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1631 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.5  date = 1631 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.6  date = 1631 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1631 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1631 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1631 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1630 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1630 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1629 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1629 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1629 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1629 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1629 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1629 
 Sunspots per Month = 25.9  date = 1629 
 Sunspots per Month = 30  date = 1628 
 Sunspots per Month = 30  date = 1628 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1628 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1628 
 Sunspots per Month = 17.5  date = 1628 
 Sunspots per Month = 30  date = 1628 
 Sunspots per Month = 30  date = 1628 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1628 
 Sunspots per Month = 33  date = 1627 
 Sunspots per Month = 10  date = 1627 
 Sunspots per Month = 19.1  date = 1627 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.2  date = 1627 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.9  date = 1627 
 Sunspots per Month = 22.9  date = 1627 
 Sunspots per Month = 25.2  date = 1627 
 Sunspots per Month = 13  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 12.2  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.3  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 12  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 33.5  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 23.9  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 14.5  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 15.8  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 49.2  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 36.3  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 31.9  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 49.3  date = 1626 
 Sunspots per Month = 33.7  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 58.2  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 60.6  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 61.5  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 25.5  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 24.2  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 48  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 48  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 23  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 33.5  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 41.1  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 45.5  date = 1625 
 Sunspots per Month = 40.2  date = 1624 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.4  date = 1624 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1624 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1624 
 Sunspots per Month = 3  date = 1624 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1624 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1623 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1622 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1622 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1622 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1622 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1621 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1621 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1621 
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 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1620 
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 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1620 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1620 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1619 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1619 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.8  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.5  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.3  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1618 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1617 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1617 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1617 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1617 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1617 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1617 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1617 
 Sunspots per Month = 3  date = 1617 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1616 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1616 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1616 
 Sunspots per Month = 17  date = 1616 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1616 
 Sunspots per Month = 43.6  date = 1616 
 Sunspots per Month = 29.8  date = 1615 
 Sunspots per Month = 15  date = 1615 
 Sunspots per Month = 75  date = 1615 
 Sunspots per Month = 151  date = 1614 
 Sunspots per Month = 121  date = 1613 
 Sunspots per Month = 94.5  date = 1613 
 Sunspots per Month = 62.9  date = 1613 
 Sunspots per Month = 81.1  date = 1613 
 Sunspots per Month = 92.3  date = 1613 
 Sunspots per Month = 236  date = 1613 
 Sunspots per Month = 108.5  date = 1613 
 Sunspots per Month = 83  date = 1613 
 Sunspots per Month = 118.4  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 129.6  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 134.4  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 100.1  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 98.8  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 100.2  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 110.9  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 99.6  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 79.9  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 31.8  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 55.9  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 92.5  date = 1612 
 Sunspots per Month = 79  date = 1611 
 Sunspots per Month = 52.8  date = 1611 
 Sunspots per Month = 60.7  date = 1611 
 Sunspots per Month = 57.3  date = 1611 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1611 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 1610 
 Sunspots per Month = 72  date = 1610 
 Sunspots per Month = 0
The SGPlot Procedure

 Details = 51.5 mean sunspots during month of SEP2021  Details = 22.4 mean sunspots during month of AUG2021  Details = 34.4 mean sunspots during month of JUL2021  Details = 25.4 mean sunspots during month of JUN2021  Details = 21.2 mean sunspots during month of MAY2021  Details = 24.5 mean sunspots during month of APR2021  Details = 17.2 mean sunspots during month of MAR2021  Details = 8.2 mean sunspots during month of FEB2021  Details = 10.4 mean sunspots during month of JAN2021  Details = 23.1 mean sunspots during month of DEC2020  Details = 34.5 mean sunspots during month of NOV2020  Details = 14.6 mean sunspots during month of OCT2020  Details = 0.6 mean sunspots during month of SEP2020  Details = 7.5 mean sunspots during month of AUG2020  Details = 6.1 mean sunspots during month of JUL2020  Details = 5.8 mean sunspots during month of JUN2020  Details = 0.2 mean sunspots during month of MAY2020  Details = 5.2 mean sunspots during month of APR2020  Details = 1.5 mean sunspots during month of MAR2020  Details = 0.2 mean sunspots during month of FEB2020  Details = 6.2 mean sunspots during month of JAN2020  Details = 1.5 mean sunspots during month of DEC2019  Details = 0.5 mean sunspots during month of NOV2019  Details = 0.4 mean sunspots during month of OCT2019  Details = 1.1 mean sunspots during month of SEP2019  Details = 0.5 mean sunspots during month of AUG2019  Details = 0.9 mean sunspots during month of JUL2019  Details = 1.2 mean sunspots during month of JUN2019  Details = 9.9 mean sunspots during month of MAY2019  Details = 9.1 mean sunspots during month of APR2019  Details = 9.4 mean sunspots during month of MAR2019  Details = 0.8 mean sunspots during month of FEB2019  Details = 7.7 mean sunspots during month of JAN2019  Details = 3.1 mean sunspots during month of DEC2018  Details = 4.9 mean sunspots during month of NOV2018  Details = 4.9 mean sunspots during month of OCT2018  Details = 3.3 mean sunspots during month of SEP2018  Details = 8.7 mean sunspots during month of AUG2018  Details = 1.6 mean sunspots during month of JUL2018  Details = 15.6 mean sunspots during month of JUN2018  Details = 13.1 mean sunspots during month of MAY2018  Details = 8.9 mean sunspots during month of APR2018  Details = 2.5 mean sunspots during month of MAR2018  Details = 10.7 mean sunspots during month of FEB2018  Details = 6.8 mean sunspots during month of JAN2018  Details = 8.2 mean sunspots during month of DEC2017  Details = 5.7 mean sunspots during month of NOV2017  Details = 13.2 mean sunspots during month of OCT2017  Details = 43.7 mean sunspots during month of SEP2017  Details = 32.6 mean sunspots during month of AUG2017  Details = 17.8 mean sunspots during month of JUL2017  Details = 19.2 mean sunspots during month of JUN2017  Details = 18.9 mean sunspots during month of MAY2017  Details = 32.3 mean sunspots during month of APR2017  Details = 17.7 mean sunspots during month of MAR2017  Details = 26.4 mean sunspots during month of FEB2017  Details = 26.1 mean sunspots during month of JAN2017  Details = 18.5 mean sunspots during month of DEC2016  Details = 21.4 mean sunspots during month of NOV2016  Details = 33.4 mean sunspots during month of OCT2016  Details = 44.6 mean sunspots during month of SEP2016  Details = 50.2 mean sunspots during month of AUG2016  Details = 32.4 mean sunspots during month of JUL2016  Details = 20.5 mean sunspots during month of JUN2016  Details = 51.5 mean sunspots during month of MAY2016  Details = 37.9 mean sunspots during month of APR2016  Details = 54.1 mean sunspots during month of MAR2016  Details = 56.4 mean sunspots during month of FEB2016  Details = 57.0 mean sunspots during month of JAN2016  Details = 58.0 mean sunspots during month of DEC2015  Details = 62.2 mean sunspots during month of NOV2015  Details = 63.6 mean sunspots during month of OCT2015  Details = 78.6 mean sunspots during month of SEP2015  Details = 64.4 mean sunspots during month of AUG2015  Details = 65.8 mean sunspots during month of JUL2015  Details = 66.5 mean sunspots during month of JUN2015  Details = 88.8 mean sunspots during month of MAY2015  Details = 75.3 mean sunspots during month of APR2015  Details = 54.5 mean sunspots during month of MAR2015  Details = 66.7 mean sunspots during month of FEB2015  Details = 93.0 mean sunspots during month of JAN2015  Details = 112.9 mean sunspots during month of DEC2014  Details = 103.6 mean sunspots during month of NOV2014  Details = 90.0 mean sunspots during month of OCT2014  Details = 130.0 mean sunspots during month of SEP2014  Details = 106.9 mean sunspots during month of AUG2014  Details = 100.2 mean sunspots during month of JUL2014  Details = 102.9 mean sunspots during month of JUN2014  Details = 112.5 mean sunspots during month of MAY2014  Details = 112.5 mean sunspots during month of APR2014  Details = 128.7 mean sunspots during month of MAR2014  Details = 146.1 mean sunspots during month of FEB2014  Details = 117.0 mean sunspots during month of JAN2014  Details = 124.2 mean sunspots during month of DEC2013  Details = 113.9 mean sunspots during month of NOV2013  Details = 114.4 mean sunspots during month of OCT2013  Details = 54.5 mean sunspots during month of SEP2013  Details = 91.8 mean sunspots during month of AUG2013  Details = 86.2 mean sunspots during month of JUL2013  Details = 76.7 mean sunspots during month of JUN2013  Details = 120.2 mean sunspots during month of MAY2013  Details = 107.3 mean sunspots during month of APR2013  Details = 78.3 mean sunspots during month of MAR2013  Details = 60.9 mean sunspots during month of FEB2013  Details = 96.1 mean sunspots during month of JAN2013  Details = 56.8 mean sunspots during month of DEC2012  Details = 87.6 mean sunspots during month of NOV2012  Details = 76.5 mean sunspots during month of OCT2012  Details = 93.7 mean sunspots during month of SEP2012  Details = 94.8 mean sunspots during month of AUG2012  Details = 100.1 mean sunspots during month of JUL2012  Details = 92.0 mean sunspots during month of JUN2012  Details = 96.5 mean sunspots during month of MAY2012  Details = 85.9 mean sunspots during month of APR2012  Details = 86.6 mean sunspots during month of MAR2012  Details = 47.8 mean sunspots during month of FEB2012  Details = 94.4 mean sunspots during month of JAN2012  Details = 109.3 mean sunspots during month of DEC2011  Details = 139.1 mean sunspots during month of NOV2011  Details = 125.7 mean sunspots during month of OCT2011  Details = 120.1 mean sunspots during month of SEP2011  Details = 65.8 mean sunspots during month of AUG2011  Details = 64.5 mean sunspots during month of JUL2011  Details = 56.1 mean sunspots during month of JUN2011  Details = 58.2 mean sunspots during month of MAY2011  Details = 76.1 mean sunspots during month of APR2011  Details = 78.6 mean sunspots during month of MAR2011  Details = 48.3 mean sunspots during month of FEB2011  Details = 27.3 mean sunspots during month of JAN2011  Details = 24.5 mean sunspots during month of DEC2010  Details = 34.4 mean sunspots during month of NOV2010  Details = 33.6 mean sunspots during month of OCT2010  Details = 36.4 mean sunspots during month of SEP2010  Details = 29.6 mean sunspots during month of AUG2010  Details = 25.2 mean sunspots during month of JUL2010  Details = 18.8 mean sunspots during month of JUN2010  Details = 13.9 mean sunspots during month of MAY2010  Details = 10.4 mean sunspots during month of APR2010  Details = 24.0 mean sunspots during month of MAR2010  Details = 28.5 mean sunspots during month of FEB2010  Details = 19.5 mean sunspots during month of JAN2010  Details = 16.3 mean sunspots during month of DEC2009  Details = 6.9 mean sunspots during month of NOV2009  Details = 7.7 mean sunspots during month of OCT2009  Details = 7.1 mean sunspots during month of SEP2009  Details = 0.0 mean sunspots during month of AUG2009  Details = 5.5 mean sunspots during month of JUL2009  Details = 6.3 mean sunspots during month of JUN2009  Details = 2.9 mean sunspots during month of MAY2009  Details = 1.2 mean sunspots during month of APR2009  Details = 0.6 mean sunspots during month of MAR2009  Details = 1.2 mean sunspots during month of FEB2009  Details = 1.3 mean sunspots during month of JAN2009  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 51.5  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 22.4  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 22.4  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 34.4  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 34.4  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 25.4  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 25.4  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 21.2  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 21.2  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 24.5  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 24.5  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 17.2  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 17.2  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.2  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.2  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.4  date = 2021 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.4  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 23.1  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 23.1  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 34.5  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 34.5  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 14.6  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 14.6  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.6  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.6  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.5  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.5  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.1  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.1  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.8  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.8  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.2  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.2  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.2  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.2  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.5  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.5  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.2  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.2  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.2  date = 2020 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.2  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.5  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.5  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.5  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.5  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.4  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.1  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.1  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.5  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.5  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.9  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.9  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.9  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.9  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.1  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.1  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.4  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 9.4  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.8  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.8  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.7  date = 2019 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.7  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.1  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.1  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.9  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.9  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.9  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 4.9  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.3  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 3.3  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.7  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.7  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.6  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.6  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 15.6  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 15.6  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.1  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.1  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.9  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.9  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.5  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.5  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.7  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.7  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.8  date = 2018 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.8  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.2  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 8.2  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.7  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.7  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.2  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.2  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 43.7  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 43.7  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 32.6  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 32.6  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 17.8  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 17.8  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 19.2  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 19.2  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 18.9  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 18.9  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 32.3  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 32.3  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 17.7  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 17.7  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 26.4  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 26.4  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 26.1  date = 2017 
 Sunspots per Month = 26.1  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 18.5  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 18.5  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 21.4  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 21.4  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 33.4  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 33.4  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 44.6  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 44.6  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 50.2  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 50.2  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 32.4  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 32.4  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 20.5  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 20.5  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 51.5  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 51.5  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 37.9  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 37.9  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 54.1  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 54.1  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 56.4  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 56.4  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 57  date = 2016 
 Sunspots per Month = 57  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 58  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 58  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 62.2  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 62.2  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 63.6  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 63.6  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 78.6  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 78.6  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 64.4  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 64.4  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 65.8  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 65.8  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 66.5  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 66.5  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 88.8  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 88.8  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 75.3  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 75.3  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 54.5  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 54.5  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 66.7  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 66.7  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 93  date = 2015 
 Sunspots per Month = 93  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 112.9  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 112.9  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 103.6  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 103.6  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 90  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 90  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 130  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 130  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 106.9  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 106.9  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 100.2  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 100.2  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 102.9  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 102.9  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 112.5  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 112.5  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 112.5  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 112.5  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 128.7  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 128.7  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 146.1  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 146.1  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 117  date = 2014 
 Sunspots per Month = 117  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 124.2  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 124.2  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 113.9  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 113.9  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 114.4  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 114.4  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 54.5  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 54.5  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 91.8  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 91.8  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 86.2  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 86.2  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 76.7  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 76.7  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 120.2  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 120.2  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 107.3  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 107.3  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 78.3  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 78.3  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 60.9  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 60.9  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 96.1  date = 2013 
 Sunspots per Month = 96.1  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 56.8  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 56.8  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 87.6  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 87.6  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 76.5  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 76.5  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 93.7  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 93.7  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 94.8  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 94.8  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 100.1  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 100.1  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 92  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 92  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 96.5  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 96.5  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 85.9  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 85.9  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 86.6  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 86.6  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 47.8  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 47.8  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 94.4  date = 2012 
 Sunspots per Month = 94.4  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 109.3  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 109.3  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 139.1  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 139.1  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 125.7  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 125.7  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 120.1  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 120.1  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 65.8  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 65.8  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 64.5  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 64.5  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 56.1  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 56.1  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 58.2  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 58.2  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 76.1  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 76.1  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 78.6  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 78.6  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 48.3  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 48.3  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 27.3  date = 2011 
 Sunspots per Month = 27.3  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 24.5  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 24.5  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 34.4  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 34.4  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 33.6  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 33.6  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 36.4  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 36.4  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 29.6  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 29.6  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 25.2  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 25.2  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 18.8  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 18.8  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.9  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 13.9  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.4  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 10.4  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 24  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 24  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 28.5  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 28.5  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 19.5  date = 2010 
 Sunspots per Month = 19.5  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 16.3  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 16.3  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.9  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.9  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.7  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.7  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.1  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 7.1  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 0  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.5  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 5.5  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.3  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 6.3  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.9  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 2.9  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.6  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 0.6  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.2  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.3  date = 2009 
 Sunspots per Month = 1.3
The SGPlot Procedure