Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.

First I reduce the size of the world map by only taking the 
lower 'density' obsns, and also the first few segments of 
multi-segment areas (this assumes that the larget segments 
are the lower-numbered ones ... which is true of some maps,
but not of others).

I then create a 'mydata' data set with an obsn for each country.
I use some 'if' statements to assign a color variable for certain 

Next I use a little-known trick -- I add the 'sashelp.mapfmts' to my
format search path, and I can then use the glcnsm. format to convert
the country numeric fips codes into country names.  I encode the country
names into the html title= charttip/flyover-text, and also into the 
href= drilldown, so that when you hover over a country you see the 
name, and when you click on it you go to a travel page about that 

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