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Click here to see the example.
greplay is a bit more 'picky' now, using nicer fonts and such,
and when you originally create the grseg, it's best to create it
such that the xpixels/ypixels (or at least the proportions) are
the same as the area into which you're going to greplay them.
As this example was originally written, it was set up such that
the map thought it was an 800x600 area, and then the floorplan gmap
was "squeezed" horizontally to fit into it's greplay area.
Well, when using a 'real' font, this has bad side-effects.
Therefore, I'm not setting the appropriate xpixels/ypixels
before I create the individual grsegs, and so that they play
into the final spaces correctly ... of course, now I also need
to adjust the floorplan map coordinates so that they are more
realistic, since gmap honors/holds the proportions of the x/y's.
(in this case, I multiply the y by 2).
Added hsys='3' to the "listing" data set (annotated table on left
1/2 of graph), so that the size=2 would have the desired effect.
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