Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


Added a filename to the graph clear dsgi statement, to control the filename
of the png file (so it wouldn't just be dsgi.png):

   rc=graph('clear', "&name");

In the original book (1993 printing), this example only worked with a 2-digit year
(ie, it had a y2k problem).  The sample has now been enhanced to work with a 4-digit 
year (such as '1993' or '2010').

I also added html charttips (hover-text) and drilldowns for each date
(it drills-down to a date-driven webpage that shows a lot of info for
that date in history.)

I go ahead and produce all the months of 2010 also, just to show how you could
easily use this to print your calendars :)

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