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Click here to see the example.

Click here to see the example (2016).


See my blog for more information!

The main 'trick' in this example is reading the pirate attack locations
from a web page.  All of the locations were basically in 1 very long line
in the html of a web page.  Rick Langston helped me with the tricky SAS
code to read & parse that long line.

Once I have the lat/long data, I annotate it onto a SAS/Graph gmap,
and then also create a cumulative gplot of the same data.

And last, but not least, I create a table of the data, with 
"traffic light" coloring to correspond to the colors of the markers
used in the map & scatter plot.


Here are some details (from Rick Langston) on the trick used to read 
the data from the web page:

The idea is to read the entire HTML file using the URL access method, 
but with RECFM=F LRECL=1 and every byte is counted and saved to a local 
file, with the byte count put in the macro variable &filesize. 
Then you can do this:

data _null_; infile local recfm=f lrecl=&filesize. column=c missover; 

and the file will be treated as one long record. Use the input @'....' 
mechanism to get to a particular set of characters. Since MISSOVER is set, 
if c>&filesize. you've gone past the end and you stop. 
What I do is look for {"0":" and then I know the value of c is the column for the first digit, 
then look for " and then I know the length of the value, 
then I use input @start x $varying100. l to get the actual characters, 
then inputn can be used to read them input as a number. 

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