Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


This is a simple proof-of-concept showing how you can take an
image (such as a human body) and enhance it with SAS/Graph,
allowing you to add hotspots with html hover-text and drilldowns.

Basically you find the image you want to use, you determine the
x & y pixel size of the picture, create a blank gmap rectangular
map area the exact same size (proportions) as the image, and 
annotate the image into that rectangular map area.

In this case, I'm using an image from Wikipedia:
(which I saved as a png, and then cleaned-up a little with an image editor,
to produce this final 'blank' body image)

Then view the image with an image editor, and mouse-over
the locations where you want to have hotspots, and enter the 
x/y pixel coordinates of those locations into a SAS data set,
along with any text/data/drilldown info you want to be associated
with each hotspot.  Then create an annotate data set using those
locations & data, and annotate/overlay that onto the gmap.

In this simple proof-of-concept I'm just using very simple 
text (names of organs, etc) and a drilldown that launches a
Google search on that text -- in the real-world you could 
have much more detailed info, and your drilldowns could go 
to a medical report, or x-ray images, etc.

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