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This is my (Robert Allison's) SAS/Graph version of the dashboard
Stephen Few designed for his 2nd dashboard book, as he described it
in the following:
I tried to make my SAS version as true-to-the-original as possible,
and it is also data-driven (the SAS code reads the contest data
directly from the Excel spreadsheet, and then creates the dashboard
directly from that data ... if you change the data in the spreadsheet,
then the next time the SAS job is run the dashboard will reflect the
In addition to the graphics, my version also has html mouse-over text
in all sections of the dashboard -- you can hover your mouse over the
plot markers/text/etc and see the actual data values in the hover-text.
Most of the items with hover-text also have a "drilldown" (html href link).
The link either drills-down to this info page, or to a graph (or table).
Ideally, each drilldown would provide keen insight into just the specific
data you clicked on, and possibly even generate a graph on-the-fly (using
SAS/Intrnet or Stored Process, so that you don't have to save every possible
drilldown graph on-disk ahead of time).
In lieu of the "ideal" drilldown graphs, I have re-used what I had available
(or what was easy to create), to demonstrate that drilldowns are possible,
and to provide the syntax in the code where you can easily modify it
to drilldown to other/better graphs if you re-use this code.
Note that the html hover-text also makes the dashboard more "accessible"
for the visually-impaired, as their "text readers" (such as iPad's
"VoiceOver") can read the text aloud when the user points to the items
in the dashboard.
Also, as an added bonus, 3 of the columns are set up so you can click
the column header and sort the dashboard by that column.
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