This Treemap was created using SAS/Graph proc gmap, and
a custom map data set created using some macros I wrote.
Click here to see details on how the macros work.
Click here to see the SAS code that calls the macros.
Click here to see the example.
This is a 2-level Treemap (or a Treemap with 'subgrouping').
Each large block (with light blue outline) represents an industry,
and each small block represents an individual company.
The size of the blocks represents the 'weight' of the company
(this was some arbitrarily-calculated value), and the color represents
the change in stock price (bright red means the stock price has plunged,
and bright green means the stock price has skyrocketed ... red=bad,
and green=good).
I have coded in html title= charttips/flyover-text so you see lots of
details about that company, and the stock price, etc when you mouse
over the boxes (these long multi-line charttips only work in the
Internet Explorer web browser). Also, I've coded in html href=
drilldowns, so that when you click on the boxes it will take you to
the NYSE webpage for that company (note that this data is an old
snapshot, and some of these companies no longer have a page on the
S&P website, due to mergers, and other changes in the market).
With direct access to the data, this webpage could be dynamically
generated via the SAS/Intrnet app dispatcher, so that every time
you veiw the chart you will be seeing the latest data. Since there
are very many boxes, the map might take a couple of minutes to
generate on-the-fly ... but since the 'weight' of the companies
might only change on a daily/weekly/monthly (?) basis, you could
actually generate the sas/graph map dataset once and save it somewhere,
and then it is very quick to plot new colors on the map.
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