Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


See my blog for more information about this graph!

This map shows off sas' ability to annotate images.

First, I annotated a red and a blue polygon in the location
where I'm going to put the picture, only a little larger than
the coordinates where the picture will go.  This colored 
polygon is optional, but I use it to help serve as a "color
legend", so that people can instantly tell which candidate is
represented by which color (red or blue) in the map, by 
seeing which color is framing which candidate.

I then annotate the pictures in the same location as the
colored polygons, only slightly smaller.  I also use the 
annotate 'html' variable to add an title= charttip/flyover-text
and href= link to each candidates' home page.

In the map, I use the same red & blue colors (by specifying them 
in the pattern statements), and I use a gray outline (which helps
tie the map in the the gray background).  I use gmap's html=
option to allow me to specify which variable contains my html
title= charttip/flyover-text, so the user can mouse over the states
and see the actual number of electoral votes in that state, and
who was the winner.

Bush and Gore pictures modified from royalty-free clipart ...

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