Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.

For this example, I create each piece of the flag as a sas/graph
map data set, specifying the z/y coordinates of the outline of
each area - each white stripe, each red stripe, the blue 
rectangle, and then the 50 white stars.

I then use sas/graph proc gmap to draw the flag, and I use 
gmap's html= option to specify the html title= charttip/flyover-text
(so you can see the name of the state represented by the star
when you hover your mouse over it in the Internet Explorer web
browser), and the html href= drilldown (so that when you click
on a star you go to that state's home page).

I also use the "goptions" iback to specify a background image,
to show the fireworks behind the flag.

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